Visit Dorchester was established in June 2001. The website is owned and managed by Direct Marketing Solutions Limited, a marketing and consultancy business, based in Dorchester. Direct Marketing Solutions Limited was incorporated in 1996, and has been in business over 18 years. In the on-line environment, we are involved with web design, e-commerce websites, search-engine optimisation (seo), on-line advertising, on-line marketing, polls, and market research. In the off-line envirnoment, we get involved in a broad range of business consultancy, with a bias towards new products launches, marketing and marketing research. The Visit Dorchester website remains the first port of call for many internet explorers trying to find out more about our great town. Ranking very highly on Google and other internet search engines, Visit Dorchester is found by internet surfers using a diverse and varied range of search terms. We have ranked very highly for many years, primarily a result of our SEO expertise, which benefits the town, the local community, and people wishing to visit Dorchester. To illustrate, we conducted some Google searches using search terms many people use to try to find out more about Dorchester. The results are highlighted in the table below. Google Search Term | Visit Dorchester Position | dorchester | 2nd place | dorchester dorset | 1st place | borough gardens | 1st, 2nd, 3rd place | maumbury rings | 1st, 2nd place | roman town house | 5th place | dorchester visitor guide | 1st, 2nd place | dorchester accommodation | 5th place | dorchester attractions | 1st, 2nd place | dorchester town map | 1st, 2nd, 3rd place | dorchester information | 1st, 2nd, 3rd place |
Google Search Term = The keyword used on the website. Visit Dorchester Position = The posiiton of the first instance of a Visit Dorchester page showing on the Google Search Results Page. You can see we are everywhere  These results can easily be replicated by going onto the Google website and searching using these and other terms ... If you would like more information about us or our work, wish to collaborate with us, or require further information, call us on 01305-300400 (t). Kind regards The Visit Dorchester Team
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